martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

Ana Carmen Venezuelan presenter sexy

 Santo Domingo. The "marshmallow" by Ana Carmen Leon, thought serious actress, so studying acting at the RCTV of Venezuela chain, through its preparation made short novels and film roles, but life put a microphone in front, encouraging a program morning about year and a half, actually discovering that that was his passion. In the Dominican Republic prominently in the Sunday animation space This speaks Spanish place, and has managed to engage with the public, for their professionalism and authenticity.

Undoubtedly what stranger in his native country, family, and haltingly admits what most affected him "is that my dad not been able to visit me, I am very familiar I like to be accompanied by my parents, couple, my doggy, living alone is a bit complicated. "

Rate of mature loving relationship holding four years ago with soap opera actor Hugo Vásquez, especially because they have not imported distances; He explained that when he lived in Venezuela his partner had to travel to Colombia to meet with recordings of series and novels, she I expect to have, now his turn to wait for Ana Carmen, "when we are working we must extend the patience, try not lose the connection, every month or month and a half is he here or I there. "
No hidden fear that the distance upset their relationship, "there is always the fear, maybe can know a person and change the landscape, but more uncertain is the future; one day we are here, not tomorrow. If my future is with him, so be it. "

Wants to be a mother in her youth, although not the right time, he states found in a cycle of personal, spiritual and professional growth "I feel I have not reached that stage of forming a family, but I also think it is not too far ". asked if he would leave his job for love and was contrary "no, if your partner respects and supports you will accept your work", says it is a lot of sacrifice to get where he is, and I do not intend to leave, because your partner decides not understand him, "the important thing is that we are together, supporting and never lose touch."

He told this website, you are interested in doing theater "if I make proposal theater I do, I'm dying to step on the stage, say they would like to do a comedy, and the chemistry that exists in the tables loves above all because he loves public, nor has removed the thorn of making a novel or a movie.

five months resides permanently in the country, feeling pleased and at home, for the treatment and hospitality received by Dominicans, having many friends, and the most special was his co-worker, makes the beautiful mulatta Ibelka Ulerio who has always tended his hand.

Think travel to wherever in search of victory, but testifies that now your opportunity is here, and is taking advantage later be added to another project, did not offer any details, only that it will be very soon and parallel here speaks Spanish, "this is a very good year I can assure"

This country enjoys the beaches, and the sea is something that nourishes and gives him good energies, whenever possible escapes into smallmouth "I love it because it has yaniqueque, has sweet potatoes, I like frying, I like the food I I declare gluttonous. "

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